The friendliest DENTAL TEAM in Tauranga!
Dental Accidents (ACC)
Please phone us immediately if you have a dental accident, as the tooth may have a big chip, the tooth may be loose, the nerve may be exposed, or the tooth itself has a significant fracture. Some dental accidents need our immediate attention to help save your tooth / teeth.
Our dentists are ACC providers. There is no payment for under 18 year olds, but for over 18s there is a co-payment for the dental procedure. You will be informed of the private cost contribution at the initial appointment.
At the first visit, you will complete an ACC form, have an assessment by our dentist along with any necessary x-rays and photographs. If you have a chipped tooth, this is usually rebuilt at that initial appointment with a white filling (composite). If more significant treatment such as a crown or implant is required, we would need to apply to ACC for approval. Depending on the health of your mouth with regards to decay, gum disease, missing teeth and condition of the tooth that sustained the injury, ACC will contribute a certain amount, and the remainder will need to be paid by the patient.
If you are a regular dental attender, with minimal decay, minor or no gum disease and no missing teeth, the ACC contribution is significantly more.