The friendliest DENTAL TEAM in Tauranga!
wisdom tooth pain
Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that most people get in their late teens or early twenties. Sometimes these teeth can be a valuable asset to the mouth when healthy and properly aligned, but sometimes, they are misaligned or impacted and require removal. Impacted wisdom teeth may cause pain, swelling, infection, damage or decay to the tooth next to them.
Sometimes you can get a swelling and infection in the gum around an erupting wisdom tooth; this can also be sore to bite on. This is called pericoronitis. It is best to come in for a checkup to assess whether the tooth is impacted therefore never erupting normally into your mouth; hence requiring removal. The tooth may be erupting normally, but a gum flap has gathered food underneath it causing pain and swelling.
Pericoronitis is treated in a number of ways. If we cannot remove the tooth as it needs to be referred to an oral surgeon, we can clean under the gum flap, give you a single tufted brush to clean under the gum flap and prescribe an antibacterial mouthrinse and antibiotics if required. Normal pain relief such as ibuprofen and paracetamol can be most beneficial also. A referral will be made to the oral surgeons and and the tooth is removed. Alternatively, the tooth may be erupting correctly but has got infected, and is treated in the same way with good oral home care.
Hot salt water mouthrinses are always good to keep wisdom teeth clean: half a teaspoon of salt in hot water is a good remedy after removal of wisdom teeth but also in managing if they are infected.
If you are between 12 and 16 years old, it is most likely the second normal molar tooth coming through. These are not your wisdom teeth. Come and get checked for free under the Dental Benefits system to ensure there are no other problems.
If you are over 18 years old, it could be your wisdom teeth. Come for a problem consultation (from $79) to assess how difficult the wisdom teeth are to be potentially removed. You will require a panoramic x-ray ($99).
Options for removing wisdom teeth
If the tooth is simple – we can remove it at Gardens Dental from $300+, per tooth.
If you have impacted wisdom teeth and Dental Health Insurance, they can be removed at Tauranga OMS at 15 Brown Street for free (ph 07-578 8847). If however you do not have health insurance, the cost to remove 4 wisdom teeth under intravenous sedation is approximately $3000+ with OMS.