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Yellow, brown or white teeth
There are many reasons why people's teeth are not as white as they might like. Some of these are outlined below:
- The natural tooth colour is partly determined by your genetics
- Teeth can become brown and discoloured by smoking
- Drinking carbonated beverages can dissolve the outer layer of teeth, enamel. This can discolour teeth and also make them sensitive to hot and cold drinks
- Excessive calculus causes teeth to appear yellow, this can easily be professionally cleaned
- The use of some food colourings or additives may discolour teeth
- The teeth can become brown by drinking coffee and tea
- The use of some medications can cause discolouration of teeth
- Eating large amounts of sugar attacks the tooth enamel, causing brown, white and yellow marks on teeth
- Your teeth may darken with age
solutions for Yellow Teeth
Tooth whitening can be a very effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of the tooth surface. It cannot make a complete colour change, but it may lighten the existing shade.
Firstly we would take impressions of your upper and lower teeth, and take photographs of your original tooth colour. A week later, we would fit your custom-made whitening trays, perform a clean and polish to help boost the whitening result as your teeth will now be stain-free. Tooth whitening trays are worn overnight for 10-14 days.
There is always a degree of sensitivity that occurs when whitening teeth. This can be helped by using sensitive-reducing toothpastes throughout the whitening process. Sometimes the sensitivity is too much, and we recommend missing a day or two of whitening to give your teeth a rest between bleach applications. Some people cannot bleach their teeth at all due to sensitivity.
The major benefit with whitening teeth, is that if used correctly with a dental kit, it does not do any permanent damage to your teeth, unlike cutting the teeth for veneers or crowns. Aligning your teeth through orthodontics and whitening can give an optimal, long-lasting result for your smile!
Find out more about tooth whitening here.
solutions for Brown spots on teeth
Brown areas on teeth may be a sign of tooth decay (caries) or enamel demineralization. They may also represent superficial stains—like those produced by coffee, tea, wine, tobacco and food additives. Failing dental restorations (e.g. fillings, crowns) often pick up stain at the tooth-restoration interface, or "margin."
Brown spots which appear deep within the tooth are known as intrinsic stains, and are often the result of treatment with antibiotics while the teeth were forming. Intrinsic stain can occur through events that interrupt the normal formation of tooth structure—like childhood illness or injury.
What it may need
If the tooth is decayed (caries) or has a developmental anomaly it can be restored with a white filling, this can cost $159-659 per tooth.
SOLUTIONS FOR White spots on teeth
White spots on teeth can be the result of various factors. Damage whilst the tooth is forming through an accident or childhood illness, some medications, nutritional deficiency or genetic-related diseases can cause white spots on teeth. However some are due to a cavity developing on the tooth, which will eventually become a hole and warrant a filling. Therefore it is best to get this checked out.
What it may need
Could leave the white spot as is, or cover it over with a white filling, veneer or crown. Please contact us to discuss options from $84.