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Dental Bridges
Bridges are used to replace a missing tooth. They are either fixed or resin-retained.
This involves cutting teeth either side of the space into little peg teeth. Essentially it is like having two crowns prepared with a fake tooth in between. The procedure is very similar as for a crown. Local anaesthetic is used to freeze the tooth, the two teeth are prepared, an impression taken and a temporary bridge is placed.
Evolve Dental Studio (NZ Laboratory) takes a shade of the teeth to achieve the best colour-match possible. The bridge is fitted 3 weeks later. Cost starts from $4550.
Disadvantages – it is a destructive option as potentially unfilled teeth are cut to little pegs and also these two peg-teeth now support the weight of 3 teeth.
A bridge may last 10+ years when placed in optimal conditions, is maintained with excellent oral hygiene and regularly checked and x-rayed by your dentist.
This involves minimal preparation of an adjacent tooth, and Evolve Dental Studio take a shade of the teeth to achieve the best colour-match possible. The bridge is ready to fit 3 weeks later. Cost is approximately $2229.
It is an excellent solution for areas not under heavy load e.g. at the front of the mouth, but a poor replacement option for posterior teeth.
85% should last 5 years, and likely to last longer if optimal oral hygiene is maintained.